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StrengthsFinder Series, Part 5: Your StrengthsFinder Strategy

The first step in developing any type of strategy is to define your end goal. The key question to ask yourself is “What do I hope to accomplish and what will success look like —what are my success criteria?” Specific to StrengthsFinder, your goal might be to create a high performing team. If that’s the case, your success criteria might take the shape of a scorecard similar to the one provided.

Goal: Create a Sustainable High Performing Team
“First 18 Months” StrengthsFinder Scorecard
(An Example)



A few key points specific to the scorecard:

  • Whatever your StrengthsFinder goal is, make sure that you land on Evaluative Criteria and Success Definitions that will drive you and your organization to optimize the tool, which in turn, will help you achieve the best possible performance outcomes. Attaining the Success Definition percentages provided in the above examplemay be challenging, but if your goal is to develop a sustainable high performing organization, the only way to do that is to strive for excellence.
  • Scorecard Phases I and II encompass the First 18 Months. Toward the end of Phase II, start identifying your Phase III Evaluative Criteria and Success Definitions, and as you do so, continue raising the bar on your own plus your team’s performance. In the above example, the start of Phase III was populated to provide some insight into how the StrengthsFinder tool can be further leveraged beyond “just the basics”.

Once you’ve created your “First 18 Months” StrengthsFinder Scorecard, the next step is to establish your objectives plus timetables, which we’ll explore in Part VI of this multi-part series.